We are living in an age rather a time when embracing your inner self has become the most difficult yet the most dominant way of survival. You need to be you, so that you can keep calm and get the best for yourself.
Maybe you’ll find yourself negotiating or maybe you will be loosing hope but sustaining our real selves will never go out of style.So, when Superwoman and one of our favorite, Lily Singh came out, proudly as bisexual, her fans lost everything.

Lily Singh took to the micro blogging site to announce in front of the world that she is bisexual. This Canadian Content Creator, media influencer and comedian wrote she will continue to encourage every person who felt that urge to come out.
Here is her message that received immense support and praise and love throughout.
Throughout my life these have proven to be obstacles from time to time. But now I’m fully embracing them as my superpowers.
No matter how many “boxes” you check, I encourage you to do the same x

— Lilly Singh (@IISuperwomanII)
After she came out, like officially stated who she actually is, the world started screaming with happiness and praised her for being the best of her selves. It is a much needed move, especially for the Indian fans, who felt proud and a little less alone in this world.
proud of you bbg

so happy you’re finally comfy enough to say this out loud!!!!! — MEDICATE
STREAM & DL NOW! (@TheGabbieShow)

— Hannah Hart (@harto)
love u, babe.
— kyle kuhns (@kylekuhns)
wait did she just come out??? I’M SCREAMING OMG

— Claire (@Claire13442043)
It’s like we already knew but this confirmation is LIIIIIFE!!

— Nada_Colada (@colada_nada)

— Lynn Levу (@OmgIAmLynn)
So proud of you Lilly!

welcome to the family babe! — Manny MUA (@MannyMua733)
YO WHAT HIGHKEY FELL OFF MY CHAIR but you’ve always been unstoppable despite any obstacles – love u always
— Siham (@TeamSuperUK)
i don’t want to say i’m proud of you cause it’s not something that should be brave to do cause it’s who you are and should be accepted with everyone but i’m very very happy for you and for getting closer to know yourself! much love
— Kayla Daisy (@kayla_dmm)
Only Lilly could come out in the most casual yet iconic way! Ughhh, this is why I love her!

— Tasha

My heart
pic.twitter.com/P0rJijr20W — Bridget
's Lilly (@teamsuperlovesu)
It’s been a couple minutes and I’m the happiest ever I’m so happy — francesca
I mean we been knew… but like it must feel amazing and nerve racking to openly accept that part of yourself…or to just accept that part of yourself in general…. we all are so proud of you. I hope and pray you inspire others to be able to do the same in their lives — melissa
You just drop that bomb just like that… Okay.. But wbk though… Kinda

I'm so glad you're embracing who you are.. I love you.

— Zoely
So, how are you feeling? Share with us.
The post Superwoman Lily Singh Finally Came Out As Bise*ual. Fans Couldn’t Be Happier. appeared first on RVCJ Media.
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