On Wednesday,during the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board meeting at the White House, American President Donald Trump had an awkward yet funny slip of tongue. He mistakenly referred Apple CEO as Tim Apple instead of Tim Cook.
For the American President it was an incorrect misspell of name but for the world it was definitely the perfect ingredient to poke fun and make memes out of it. It was an awkward moment between the tech exec and the American President, when he said ‘You’ve really put a great investment in our country.We appreciate it very much, Tim Apple’.
pic.twitter.com/giJ162PRUA Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the stage…. Tim Apple #TimApple #UNHhhh — Teddybiron (@teddybiron) March 8, 2019
The Apple Chief Executive was invited to the White house to preside over a meeting, to discuss education,jobs and technology. Tim Cook has been leading IPhone since 2011.
After this funny unfortunate incident, Cook did not appear to give any reaction. However, social media did. Some people asked the Apple CEO to change his name and some even posted various memes to show their support on this.Even his daughter acknowledged it on Twitter.

https://t.co/KVB6Y4VsFA — Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) March 7, 2019
Tim Apple with President Orange

pic.twitter.com/1cI1QkA0an — suppelsa (@suppeIsa) March 7, 2019
"Please, Tim Apple is my work name. Call me Mr. iPhone." https://t.co/8xcbH8p9cy — Travon Free (@Travon) March 7, 2019
Tim Apple dines with Sundar Google pic.twitter.com/k1ErRbU4aU — Deepika Garg (@dpikea) March 7, 2019
Donald President Tim Apple Jeff Amazon Elon SpaceX — Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) March 6, 2019
“Tim Apple” is the contact in your phone for the hot guy who asked you out at the Apple store https://t.co/hzMtl4yaZ8 — Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) March 6, 2019
And now this bone tickling funny incident orchestrated by the American President Donald Trump was referred by Tim Cook himself in a very lighthearted manner. On Thursday, the Apple CEO changed his name from Tim Cook to Tim Apple, that too, by adding an Apple logo emoji after his first name.
Here’s his new Twitter name.

Tim Cook never publicly acknowledged the change in his Twitter bio but fans and followers of Apple was too quick to notice and even spread the word for it.
Nice. Shows Tim
Cook has a sense of humor. — Dialectic Observer (@DialecticObser1)
the change of @tim_cook's name on twitter is @realDonaldTrump's only actual contribution to the world — Surabhi Grover (@GroverSushi) March 8, 2019
Guys. He did it. #TimApple pic.twitter.com/LfQJlqRqSK — Scott Gustin (@ScottGustin) March 7, 2019
“Tim Apple” embraces Trump’s misspeak with a new Twitter username pic.twitter.com/mA3Dmn3npm — Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) March 7, 2019
Tim Apple, Satya Microsoft and Jeff AmazonWashingtonPost when they received their new names. pic.twitter.com/ReCYwCuNZ7 — ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) March 7, 2019
The best part of Tim Cook changing his Twitter name to Tim Apple is you can’t see the Apple unless you’re on iOS. pic.twitter.com/opk7HKPpRP — ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) March 7, 2019
Tim im so proud i need to buy something from the apple store now …. like right now pic.twitter.com/YMHUscAlMJ — Tanner Apple (@tannercollects) March 7, 2019
Tim Apple is a great sport!

#Trumpism #TimCook pic.twitter.com/XntW4qlAry — Virtual Lori (@MsLoriMtweets) March 7, 2019
Nice one Tim Apple, erm Cook. pic.twitter.com/DMGI9Nf4mb — Nick Spence (@Nickfromupnorth) March 8, 2019
Well played Tim Apple, well played
pic.twitter.com/AhBfHi0zpt — Safwan AhmedMia (@SuperSaf) March 7, 2019
So, do you like the CEO’s new name?
The post Donald Trump called Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple’, This Is How He Responded appeared first on RVCJ Media.
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